500g (1 pound) of field or wood blewits
up to 1 600ml (just over a pint) of milk
1-2 tablespoons of flour
1 large (or 2-3 small) onion
1 large knob of butter
As many mashed potatoes as you want to eat
Salt and Pepper to taste
(1) Remove the stems from the mushroom and chop them with the onion. Fry this mixture in the butter until it softens.
(2) Add the rest of the mushrooms, in big but mouthsized lumps, and cover with milk. Simmer on a low heat for anything
up to 45 minutes. Top up with more milk when neccesary.
(3) Peel and boil the potatoes in this time.
(4) After 45 minutes, remove the mushrooms from the heat and pour off the juice. Melt enough butter to mix
the flour with to make a roux, and use this to thicken the sauce as you would with any white sauce. Pour this back onto the
mushrooms, season, and simmer for 5-10 minutes.
(5) Serve in a well in the middle of a plate of mashed potatoes.